Polpe di Frutta


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La frutta cambia forma e diventa “frutta in bottiglia”!

Le polpe concentrate Mixer rappresentano la grande evoluzione dello sciroppo per cocktail e sono divenute in assoluto la migliore alternativa alla frutta fresca nel miscelato, in quanto risolvono i problemi legati alla stagionalità dei frutti e alla loro difficile reperibilità, allo scarso sapore del frutto anche se di stagione e infine allo spreco di prodotto fresco inutilizzato. L’obiettivo della nostra azienda è stato fin da subito quello di proporre una soluzione efficiente per tutti quei barman e barlady per la preparazione di cocktail perfetti, offrendo loro un prodotto di altissima qualità capace di ridurre gli sprechi, velocizzare il lavoro e che potesse soprattutto porre rimedio al sapore vuoto e annacquato del drink finale a causa di una frutta fresca sempre più scadente e priva di gusto.

Le polpe concentrate Mixer sono dei preparati di frutta ad uso professionale contenenti 100% di purea di frutta colta e concentrata nel momento di perfetta maturazione. Possono essere utilizzate sia per rafforzare e bilanciare la frutta fresca nel miscelato sia per sostituirla quando questa non è disponibile, in quanto per via della loro consistenza e alta qualità le polpe Mixer sono considerate la migliore alternativa alla frutta fresca per la preparazione di cocktail, smoothie, frappé o granite oppure anche per bevande calde o dessert.

Le puree di frutta provengono da tutto il mondo, rispettando l’origine dei frutti, e Mixer ne seleziona le migliori coltivazioni scegliendo solo la perfetta varietà con un sapore e un aroma intenso. La raccolta avviene nel momento in cui il frutto raggiunge un’avanzata maturazione in modo da avere il giusto bilanciamento tra parte polposa e zuccherina. Poi la purea viene velocemente concentrata per preservare la freschezza e la consistenza del frutto appena colto. Il processo di concentrazione è utile sia per ricavare spazio al fine di aggiungere altri ingredienti necessari per un ottimale resa nel miscelato sia per eliminare l’acqua in eccesso che nella miscelazione andrebbe poi ad annacquare il cocktail.

Il nostro processo produttivo valorizza la materia prima così acquisita proteggendone la fragranza naturale, infatti durante la lavorazione la purea di frutta non viene mai pastorizzata. La purea di frutta viene quindi sapientemente amalgamata con altri ingredienti come succo di limone, zucchero e pectine naturali al fine di stabilizzarne le proprietà organolettiche. Indispensabile è poi l’aggiunta degli oli essenziali ricavati dalla buccia dei frutti per esaltare il rendimento del prodotto nella preparazione di qualsiasi bevanda a base frutta.

La componente aromatica deve essere infatti sostenuta per garantire la tenuta di gusto e aroma della polpa concentrata anche dopo un’ importante diluizione con ghiaccio, distillati, latte o succhi al fine di portare nel drink finale il gusto pieno e consistente della migliore frutta di stagione.

  • Immediate energy.

    Few people know that bananas are the fourth most important staple food in the world and the fifth most commercially important agricultural product. Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium so they are useful against menstrual syndrome, but also to combat hangover as well as being an excellent source of energy especially for athletes.

    The Concentrated Fruit Pulp Mixer contains the best ripe bananas from Ecuador and is perfect for various delicious and sweet preparations, for example combining it with chocolate, but above all it finds different and interesting uses in mixing. One of the most suitable cocktails is certainly the Daiquiri!

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    Immediate energy. Few people know that bananas are the fourth most important staple food in the world and the fifth most commercially important agricultural product. Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium so they are useful against menstrual syndrome, but also to combat hangover as well as being an excellent source of energy especially for athletes. The Concentrated Fruit Pulp Mixer contains the best ripe bananas from Ecuador and is perfect for various delicious and sweet preparations, for example combining it with chocolate, but above all it finds different and interesting uses in mixing. One of the most suitable cocktails is certainly the Daiquiri!

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    Immediate energy.

    Few people know that bananas are the fourth most important staple food in the world and the fifth most commercially important agricultural product. Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium so they are useful against menstrual syndrome, but also to combat hangover as well as being an excellent source of energy especially for athletes.

    The Concentrated Fruit Pulp Mixer contains the best ripe bananas from Ecuador and is perfect for various delicious and sweet preparations, for example combining it with chocolate, but above all it finds different and interesting uses in mixing. One of the most suitable cocktails is certainly the Daiquiri!

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  • Often nominated as a sacred fruit.

    Sacred to Saturn and a symbol of envy, the bramble is considered by poets to be worthy of adorning the Kingdom of Heaven. Blackberry has purifying, diuretic, and anti-rheumatic properties: it is also among the most thirst-quenching fruits in the world!

    Blackberry is a precious ingredient for many cocktails. Excellent to combine with gin,  but also ideal for an alternative Spritz with prosecco and a dash of vodka. In soft drinks, it goes very well with lemonade poured over ice adding a small piece of ginger. Whoever is old enough to remember Ribena will love it.

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    Often nominated as a sacred fruit. Sacred to Saturn and a symbol of envy, the bramble is considered by poets to be worthy of adorning the Kingdom of Heaven. Blackberry has purifying, diuretic, and anti-rheumatic properties: it is also among the most thirst-quenching fruits in the world! Blackberry is a precious ingredient for many cocktails. Excellent to combine with gin,  but also ideal for an alternative Spritz with prosecco and a dash of vodka. In soft drinks, it goes very well with lemonade poured over ice adding a small piece of ginger. Whoever is old enough to remember Ribena will love it.

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    Often nominated as a sacred fruit.

    Sacred to Saturn and a symbol of envy, the bramble is considered by poets to be worthy of adorning the Kingdom of Heaven. Blackberry has purifying, diuretic, and anti-rheumatic properties: it is also among the most thirst-quenching fruits in the world!

    Blackberry is a precious ingredient for many cocktails. Excellent to combine with gin,  but also ideal for an alternative Spritz with prosecco and a dash of vodka. In soft drinks, it goes very well with lemonade poured over ice adding a small piece of ginger. Whoever is old enough to remember Ribena will love it.

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  • The vitamins of love.

    According to Greek mythology, Hera brought oranges, a symbol of love and fertility, as a dowry for her marriage to Zeus. Beyond the myth, certainly blood orange is an important ally for health, in fact it contains 40% more vitamin C than other oranges and is rich in vitamins B, A and antioxidants as well as having many other beneficial properties .

    Mixer has captured all the flavor and juiciness of the freshest and most mature Italian blood oranges to provide the ready-to-use ingredient for every variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Try it with prosecco for a light spritz or paired with vodka or gin for a more full-bodied aperitif!

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    Blood Orange

    The vitamins of love. According to Greek mythology, Hera brought oranges, a symbol of love and fertility, as a dowry for her marriage to Zeus. Beyond the myth, certainly blood orange is an important ally for health, in fact it contains 40% more vitamin C than other oranges and is rich in vitamins B, A and antioxidants as well as having many other beneficial properties . Mixer has captured all the flavor and juiciness of the freshest and most mature Italian blood oranges to provide the ready-to-use ingredient for every variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Try it with prosecco for a light spritz or paired with vodka or gin for a more full-bodied aperitif!

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    The vitamins of love.

    According to Greek mythology, Hera brought oranges, a symbol of love and fertility, as a dowry for her marriage to Zeus. Beyond the myth, certainly blood orange is an important ally for health, in fact it contains 40% more vitamin C than other oranges and is rich in vitamins B, A and antioxidants as well as having many other beneficial properties .

    Mixer has captured all the flavor and juiciness of the freshest and most mature Italian blood oranges to provide the ready-to-use ingredient for every variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Try it with prosecco for a light spritz or paired with vodka or gin for a more full-bodied aperitif!

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  • Long life elixir.

    Branberries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and are good for your eyesight. In the food sector they have numerous uses, not only for desserts and jams, but also for the preparation of tasty risottos and as an accompaniment to some dishes based on game.

    With the Concentrated Fruit Pulp Mixer we are no longer forced to enjoy blueberries only in summer! And we can also prepare delicious cocktails like the Cosmopolitan with a touch of blueberry, or light aperitifs combining it with the classic ready-made bitters, or giving a fruity touch to sour drinks.

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    Long life elixir. Branberries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and are good for your eyesight. In the food sector they have numerous uses, not only for desserts and jams, but also for the preparation of tasty risottos and as an accompaniment to some dishes based on game. With the Concentrated Fruit Pulp Mixer we are no longer forced to enjoy blueberries only in summer! And we can also prepare delicious cocktails like the Cosmopolitan with a touch of blueberry, or light aperitifs combining it with the classic ready-made bitters, or giving a fruity touch to sour drinks.

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    Long life elixir.

    Branberries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and are good for your eyesight. In the food sector they have numerous uses, not only for desserts and jams, but also for the preparation of tasty risottos and as an accompaniment to some dishes based on game.

    With the Concentrated Fruit Pulp Mixer we are no longer forced to enjoy blueberries only in summer! And we can also prepare delicious cocktails like the Cosmopolitan with a touch of blueberry, or light aperitifs combining it with the classic ready-made bitters, or giving a fruity touch to sour drinks.

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  • The sexiest and most passionate fruit in the world.

    Cherry is a fruit loved by man since the Stone Age. Its pulp, sweet and low-calorie, brings numerous benefits to the body; for example it reduces inflammation and arthritis.

    The Concentrated Pulp Mixer, created only with the best Italian cherries, can be added in small quantities to Gin Tonic to give color and taste to this most popular drink in the world. It also goes perfectly with all Sour cocktails!

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    The sexiest and most passionate fruit in the world. Cherry is a fruit loved by man since the Stone Age. Its pulp, sweet and low-calorie, brings numerous benefits to the body; for example it reduces inflammation and arthritis. The Concentrated Pulp Mixer, created only with the best Italian cherries, can be added in small quantities to Gin Tonic to give color and taste to this most popular drink in the world. It also goes perfectly with all Sour cocktails!

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    The sexiest and most passionate fruit in the world.

    Cherry is a fruit loved by man since the Stone Age. Its pulp, sweet and low-calorie, brings numerous benefits to the body; for example it reduces inflammation and arthritis.

    The Concentrated Pulp Mixer, created only with the best Italian cherries, can be added in small quantities to Gin Tonic to give color and taste to this most popular drink in the world. It also goes perfectly with all Sour cocktails!

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  • Let’s pamper ourselves with coconut

    Coconut is considered a functional food, since it can bring many benefits to the body: think that the Coconut Plant, in producing countries, is called “the tree of life”! Widely used in Indian cuisine, it has also spread to us in its many forms, but the fruit itself remains for Italians the symbol of summer on the beach.

    Mixer selects the best coconut from Sri Lanka to create its Concentrated Pulp, ideal for having many cocktails available all year round, first of all the Piña Colada, and to give more flavor to sweets and drinks based on chocolate or banana.

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    Let's pamper ourselves with coconut Coconut is considered a functional food, since it can bring many benefits to the body: think that the Coconut Plant, in producing countries, is called "the tree of life"! Widely used in Indian cuisine, it has also spread to us in its many forms, but the fruit itself remains for Italians the symbol of summer on the beach. Mixer selects the best coconut from Sri Lanka to create its Concentrated Pulp, ideal for having many cocktails available all year round, first of all the Piña Colada, and to give more flavor to sweets and drinks based on chocolate or banana.

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    Let’s pamper ourselves with coconut

    Coconut is considered a functional food, since it can bring many benefits to the body: think that the Coconut Plant, in producing countries, is called “the tree of life”! Widely used in Indian cuisine, it has also spread to us in its many forms, but the fruit itself remains for Italians the symbol of summer on the beach.

    Mixer selects the best coconut from Sri Lanka to create its Concentrated Pulp, ideal for having many cocktails available all year round, first of all the Piña Colada, and to give more flavor to sweets and drinks based on chocolate or banana.

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  • One of our most underrated flavors but a must for anyone wanting to make a Singapore sling!

    The American cranberry is a tasty berry with a sweet and sour flavor and multiple virtues. Rich in calcium, natural antioxidants, and fiber, it is a fruit that, consumed daily, improves the health of the body and its strength.

    In cocktails, cranberry goes particularly well with vodka and white rum, for example it lends itself to an alternative mojito. Diluted with soda, cranberry pulp becomes a refreshing, tasty and healthy drink.


    One of our most underrated flavors but a must for anyone wanting to make a Singapore sling! The American cranberry is a tasty berry with a sweet and sour flavor and multiple virtues. Rich in calcium, natural antioxidants, and fiber, it is a fruit that, consumed daily, improves the health of the body and its strength. In cocktails, cranberry goes particularly well with vodka and white rum, for example it lends itself to an alternative mojito. Diluted with soda, cranberry pulp becomes a refreshing, tasty and healthy drink.

    One of our most underrated flavors but a must for anyone wanting to make a Singapore sling!

    The American cranberry is a tasty berry with a sweet and sour flavor and multiple virtues. Rich in calcium, natural antioxidants, and fiber, it is a fruit that, consumed daily, improves the health of the body and its strength.

    In cocktails, cranberry goes particularly well with vodka and white rum, for example it lends itself to an alternative mojito. Diluted with soda, cranberry pulp becomes a refreshing, tasty and healthy drink.

  • Courage, strength, and divine taste.

    Numerous legends about the Dragon Fruit, which has always fascinated people for its particular flavor, color, and shape. According to the ancient Chinese, it was the fiery breath of a dragon that created this fruit, and by eating it, soldiers gained strength and valor. It is rich in iron, vitamin E, and phosphorus, useful for fighting free radicals.

    Our Mixologists, delighted by the oriental charm of this fruit, have created a fusion that we replicated in the final product, adding the aromatic profile of Lychee to the pulp of dragon fruit (or Pitaya), to give it a distinctly Asian connotation. Have you ever tried it in Iced teas? Divine

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    Dragon Fusion

    Courage, strength, and divine taste. Numerous legends about the Dragon Fruit, which has always fascinated people for its particular flavor, color, and shape. According to the ancient Chinese, it was the fiery breath of a dragon that created this fruit, and by eating it, soldiers gained strength and valor. It is rich in iron, vitamin E, and phosphorus, useful for fighting free radicals. Our Mixologists, delighted by the oriental charm of this fruit, have created a fusion that we replicated in the final product, adding the aromatic profile of Lychee to the pulp of dragon fruit (or Pitaya), to give it a distinctly Asian connotation. Have you ever tried it in Iced teas? Divine

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    Courage, strength, and divine taste.

    Numerous legends about the Dragon Fruit, which has always fascinated people for its particular flavor, color, and shape. According to the ancient Chinese, it was the fiery breath of a dragon that created this fruit, and by eating it, soldiers gained strength and valor. It is rich in iron, vitamin E, and phosphorus, useful for fighting free radicals.

    Our Mixologists, delighted by the oriental charm of this fruit, have created a fusion that we replicated in the final product, adding the aromatic profile of Lychee to the pulp of dragon fruit (or Pitaya), to give it a distinctly Asian connotation. Have you ever tried it in Iced teas? Divine

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